FAMUS - How to accredit
FAMUS accreditation follows a modular approach, with each practical module having its own curriculum pack and indicative training requirements. Please see the links below to access information about each individual module.
In order to begin the accreditation process you must first register with the FAMUS administrator. In order to do this, you must submit an application form (below) alongside your payment of £40 SAM members / £80 non-SAM members per module to cover the administration costs of the process.
It is recommended that prior to registering for FAMUS you identify a supervisor who can oversee your training in each module you intend to undertake – details of supervisors are available here.
Payment may be made by cheque (made payable to ‘Society for Acute Medicine’), PayPal (no account required – you will be invoiced direct to your e-mail address upon application) or BACS transfer (account details available direct from the administrator). Any queries around payment can be directed to the FAMUS administrator.
You will receive an e-mail confirming your registration once your payment has been received.
The curriculum packs available on the individual module pages outline in detail the training pathway for that module. Once registered with the FAMUS administrator, the next step is usually to enrol on a FAMUS approved course – details available here. FAMUS course attendance is not currently mandatory, although remains strongly recommended to provide a solid foundation to your accreditation journey. We recommend attending your course within 3 months of your first supervised scan.
In order to accredit in any module(s), you must have passed the e-LFH FAMUS module assessment (free for nhs staff, available via eintegrity for international users).
Once all elements of the training pathway have been completed and signed off by your Supervisor, the candidate must submit the Assessment of Completion of training to the FAMUS administrator, who will acknowledge receipt and confirm FAMUS accreditation in the respective module(s).
Once accredited, candidates must demonstrate ongoing regular ultrasound practice in order to maintain the skills learned during accreditation. This will require confirmation every 3 years of ongoing regular scanning - an anonymised logbook is available here if required (FAMUS logbook available to download). Accreditation will lapse after 3 years if ongoing regular scanning / teaching experience cannot be demonstrated.