Society of Acute Medicine (SAM)
SAM is committed to supporting AMUs across the country providing high quality care for medical inpatients. SAM has many MDT members including Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists and other key members of the acute medical team.
Learning Hub
This section of the website provides access to a wide selection of webinar videos and acute medical podcasts.
If you are a SAM member, you will gain access to all digital events with no extra charge once you login. Non-Members can have access to restricted content but you may wish to Join SAM.
Training Hub
This section of the website deals with all matters pertaining to the training of doctors in Acute Medicine. Largely written by the junior doctors themselves this is the best place to find trustworthy and practical advice on training in Acute Medicine.
Policy Hub
This section of the website provides access to a SAM standards, policy, position statements and vision.
This section also provides a history of the Society for Acute Medicine by Dr Rhid Dowdle OBE, retired Consultant Physician and Cardiologist and Archivist of the Society for Acute Medicine