What is SAM?
The Society for Acute Medicine (SAM) is the national representative body for staff caring for medical patients in the acute hospital setting.
Formed in 2000, SAM was established at a time when the concepts of acute medicine and the Acute Medical Unit (AMU) were in their infancy. Since that time things have moved forward considerably – most hospitals now have an AMU and acute medicine has been approved as a specialty in its own right. Large numbers of specialist acute physicians have been appointed to drive forward changes in the management of patients on the AMU, and several hundred specialist registrars are now training in Acute Internal Medicine. SAM has played a pivotal role in many of these developments and is represented on many national committees enabling a strong voice for acute physicians within the Royal Colleges and other key organisations.
Who are we?
In line with the developments outlined above, the membership of SAM has grown exponentially over the past decade and now has over 1000 members. The majority are doctors specialising or training in Acute Medicine. However, a key principle of the Society from its inception has been the recognition of the importance of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) in the AMU. The SAM council includes nursing and pharmacy representatives along with newer disciplines such as ACPs and PAs. The Society actively encourages participation from all members of the MDT.
What do we do?
A major component of the activity of the Society has been its twice yearly CPD accredited meetings which have steadily grown in size and stature. The Society for Acute Medicine is also dedicated to:
- promoting education of medical, nursing and paramedical staff in acute medicine
- facilitating and co-ordinating the collection of data relevant to acute medical assessment and admissions
- facilitating collaborative research in acute medicine
- promoting the creation of appropriate environments for acute medicine assessments and admissions
- sharing good practice
- promoting the acute care models that exist to improve the management of patients
- providing encourage and support to all members of the multi-disciplinary team
Our conferences
SAM runs two main conferences per year; a Spring meeting and the International Autumn meeting which attracts delegates and speakers from across the world. The poster and oral presentation sessions provide an opportunity for staff to present their research, audits and case reports, while plenary sessions from internationally-renowned speakers enable delegates to keep updated in clinical topics relevant to their acute practice. The Society actively encourages participation from all members of the acute medicine multidisciplinary team in its meetings. Parallel sessions provide a forum for discussion of issues of specific relevance to nurses, pharmacists and therapists working in the AMU. The conferences are run with a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual attendance available to book.
Members of the Society paying the full subscription rate receive four editions of the journal Acute Medicine, published by Rila publications and edited by Dr Tim Cooksley, Past President of the Society. Doctors, nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals are encouraged to submit their AMU-based research, completed audits and case reports to the publishers at production@rila.co.uk or by contacting the editor directly at tim.cooksley@uhsm.nhs.uk.