We want acute medicine to provide the best possible care for all our patients and so we listen to our members, and our patients, and use their experience and knowledge to influence policy, develop training and to set and monitor standards. We give our members, and through them, our patients, a voice. A voice heard by the government when making important policy decisions, a voice heard by the press when telling acute care stories, and a voice heard by the public when being treated by acute care professionals.
Membership of the Society for Acute Medicine (SAM) not only brings you into this strong and growing community, it also allows you to demonstrate your commitment to the specialty (the fastest growing in the UK) and can improve your future career opportunities.
If you want to stay on top of the most cutting-edge acute medical research, discuss challenges and triumphs with colleagues, and influence the future of this exciting young specialty, then SAM membership can provide this, and more.
Membership benefits
- Full subscription to the Journal for Acute Medicine
- Full subscription to the Society newsletter Acute News
- Access to the members’ only area on the SAM website, which includes access to the unit directory and secure voting system of SAM council members
- Representation at the Department of Health
- Representation at the Royal College of Physicians
- Opportunities to work with NICE as SAM is a guidelines stakeholder
- Reduced rate registration for Spring and Autumn Meetings
- Option to stand for positions on the Society Council
- Voting rights

Membership Tiers
SAM Objectives
- Tier 1 – £175: Consultants – Able to receive a paper copy of journal if requested.
- Tier 2 – £80: Trainee doctor (ST4 and above) – Able to receive a paper copy of journal if requested.
- Tier 3 – £50: Trainee doctors (up to and including IMT3), ACP, AHP, PA, Nurses, Pharmacy & International applications – Only online access to the journal.
Specialist doctor/SAS working on the consultant rota – Tier 1 Membership.
All those in Tier 2 and Tier 3 will be contacted annually to reconfirm their role and eligibility for reduced membership.
The paper copy of the journal will be sent to those in Tier 1 & 2 who request this in addition to online access. All members will have access to the online journal.
Special circumstance
- Medical students have an affiliated membership and will be free but will not have any voting rights. They will have access to the journal. This is dependant on the articles of association being approved at the AGM
- Parental leave – fees will be held for that year but membership continues and so does not lose good standing and that will count as a full membership year (this may be counted if applying for SAM council positions etc.)
- Any other unpaid time out will be reviewed by council on a case by case basis
- Less Than Full Time (LTFT) – any less than full time (<80%) members may move to the lower tier bracket. LTFT Tier 3 will remain at £50 per year
- Retired members drop to the tier blow their expected pay scale, with exception of Tier 3 which will remain at £50 per year
The objectives of SAM are to promote better care of patients who present with acute medical illnesses. In pursuing this the Society shall:
- Promote education of medical, nursing and paramedical staff in acute medicine.
- Facilitate and co-ordinate the collection of data relevant to acute medical assessments and admissions.
- Facilitate collaborative research in the area of acute medicine.
- Promote the creation of appropriate environments for acute medical assessments and admissions.
- Share good practice.
- Promote the acute care models that exist as examples of improving the management of patients with acute medical problems.
- Provide encouragement to all members of the multi-disciplinary team that work in acute medicine.
If you share these objectives, then join SAM, and make acute medical care the best medical care.
Those resident outside the UK should contact the administrator to arrange alternative payment (PayPal).
Did you know SAM now has their very own ties? Click the link below for more information.