Hannah Hegarty
Nursing Representative
Hannah is a senior sister and has been working at University Hospital Birmingham for 12 years and as a qualified nurse for 8 years. Hannah has been involved with SAM since 2019 where she first presented at SAMBournemouth on Nursing Handover. Within SAM she is the Nurse lead for SAMBA and has published nurse staffing levels within acute care and has presented subsequent data sets since 2019. She is also part of the SAM QIP committee, SAMBA academy and on the SAM Research faculty.
Hannah is currently undergoing a Masters in healthcare research through the chief nurse fellowship and her chosen project is understanding the role of an acute medical nurse. She is passionate about ensuring acute medical nurses are seen as specialists and wants to support through creating an acute medical nurse career pathway to support aspiring leaders.
In her spare time, of which she does not have a lot as she also has two young toddlers, she enjoys running and yoga and generally being out and about with friends and family.
If you wish to become part of the Acute Medical Nurse Leadership Network please contact Hannah to join on hannah.hegarty@uhb.nhs.uk