SAM Information poster for your AMU information boards
You may wish to display the information in the poster below on your unit notice board. It provides access to QR codes for our AIM Trainee and Consultant WhatsApp as well as Nursing WhatsApp groups (you don’t have to be a SAM member to join but if we can convince you to be all the…
Read MoreCall for Nominations February 2022
It is time for Elections! The following positions are being advertised: SAM Physician Associate Job Description SAM IT Lead Please see the attached letter outlining the details. The deadline for applications is 14 February.
Read MoreNICE: End of life care for adults – Quality standard [QS13]
This quality standard covers care for adults (aged 18 and over) who are approaching the end of their life. This includes people who are likely to die within 12 months, people with advanced, progressive, incurable conditions and people with life-threatening acute conditions. It also covers support for their families and carers. It includes care provided…
Read MoreCouncil Members 2021
NAME POSITION Start Date End Date SAM Directors Sue Crossland Past Immediate President Sep-21 Sep-23 Tim Cooksley President Sep-21 Sep-23 Nick Murch President Elect Sep-21 Sep-23 Vicky Price Secretary May-22 May-25 Micheal Wheble Treasurer Oct-19 Oct-22 SAM Council Nick Smallwood England Regional Representative Sep-20 Sep-23 Mcheal Trimble Northern Ireland Regional…
Read MoreSAM London Conference- October 5-6 2021
Please register now for SAMLondon. We have some amazing and thought provoking speakers and whilst we would love to see our SAM family in person, you can attend online as well! Register here:
Read MoreCQC National Professional Advisor- Medicine
draw your attention to this important opportunity to support care improvement in Medical Care. The CQC are appointing a National Advisor for Medicine. This is a two day a week post, and will work closely with RCP and others. It is a great opportunity for us to join up regulatory work of CQC, and professional…
Read MoreSAM ultrasound survey – your views and chance to win £100 Amazon vouchers
We are conducting a short survey to obtain members’ views on ultrasound training and experience on the AMU, in order to help inform the Society develop ultrasound training standards. We’d be extremely grateful if you could take 5 minutes to complete the following survey: As a thankyou, one participant chosen at random will win…
Read MoreQuality Standards in Acute Medicine
The Society for Acute Medicine is commited to delivering the highest standard of practice and patient care. The Quality Standards for Acute Medical Units document was published on the 20th of June 2012. PDF available here . The Quality Standards document is intended to complement the Quality Indicators which have been in use by a number of Acute…
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