NAME POSITION Start Date End Date SAM Directors Sue Crossland Past Immediate President Sep-21 Sep-23 Tim Cooksley President Sep-21 Sep-23 Nick Murch President Elect Sep-21 Sep-23 Vicky Price Secretary May-22 May-25 Micheal Wheble Treasurer Oct-19 Oct-22 SAM Council Nick Smallwood England Regional Representative Sep-20 Sep-23 Mcheal Trimble Northern Ireland Regional Representative Sep-20 Sep-23 Dan Beckett Scotland Regional Representative Sep-20 Sep-23 Chris Hodcroft Wales Regional Representative Sep-20 Sep-23 Damian Dooey New Consultant representative Sep-21 Sep-23 Jan Basey Pharmacy Representative Oct-19 Sep-22 Elaine Clark Nursing/ACP Representative Sep-20 Sep-23 Tash Kelly Nursing Representative Sep-19 Sep-22 Kirsten Evans Allied Health Professional Representative May-21 May-24 Moni Choudhury Physician Associate Representative May-19 May-22 Courteney Matthewson Trainee Representative Oct-21 0ct 2023 Kelham Slinger Trainee Representative Oct-20 Oct-22 SAM Committee Members/ Lay Ben Chadwick Training and Education Lead Duration as SAC Chair Simon Patten Training and Education Consultant Member Sep-20 Sep-23 Darren Green Research Committee UK Member and Research Lead Sep-19 Sep-22 Sara Barton Research Committee UK Member Sep-20 Sep-23 Liz Lees Research Committee UK Member Sep-20 Sep-23 Chris Subbe Quality & Innovation Committee Lead Sep-20 Sep-23 Dan Lasserson Research Committee Member SAMBA lead as SAMBA lead Andrew Walden Intensive Care Medicine Co-Opted Representative Sep-20 duaration as FICM rep Katherine Henderson RCEM Co-Opted Representative Oct-19 Craig Thompson ICS society, governance and policy manager Apr-21 duration as ICS position Other SAM Virginia Mariani Admin Communications Lead Susan Astbury Lay Rep Oct-20 Oct-23 Sarah Nunnery Jones Lay Rep May-21 May-24