‘Insufficient workforce and capacity to meet demand’ – SAM past president

Following the release today (15 February) of the latest weekly NHS performance figures, Dr Tim Cooksley, immediate past president of the Society for Acute Medicine, said: “The NHS finds itself in an eternal winter. The pressures throughout the system are perfectly and bleakly illustrated in urgent and emergency care where patients experience appalling conditions and prolonged waits. …

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‘Degrading corridor care and prolonged waits causing significant harm’ – SAM past president

The latest NHS performance data released today (08 February) shows, among other things: In response, Dr Tim Cooksley, immediate past president of the Society for Acute Medicine, said: “Degrading corridor care and prolonged waits causing significant harm is tragically and increasingly the expected state in urgent and emergency care.  “A rise of COVID and flu…

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Virtual wards ‘not a panacea’ says SAM past president

In response to an enquiry from The Guardian regarding virtual wards, Dr Tim Cooksley, immediate past president of the Society for Acute Medicine, said: “NHS urgent and emergency care is under unbearable strain; strain that is increasingly causing harm to patients.  “Emergency department overcrowding and stasis in acute medical units prevents timely and high-quality care…

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SAM past president tells Times Health Commission corridor care is ‘undignified, unreasonable and totally inappropriate’

The Times today (Tuesday, 06 February) published its Times Health Commission report into the crisis facing the health and social care system in England. The commission, set up in January 2023, was supported by a prestigious group of expert commissioners from the worlds of medicine, business, policy, science, food and sport. This included representation from…

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Frustration expressed on lack of resolution to current strike action

Dr Tim Cooksley, immediate Past President of the Society for Acute Medicine, has expressed frustration that resolution of the current strike action in the NHS has not been reached.  “I have tremendous empathy with junior doctors due to the challenging working conditions that permeate throughout NHS currently alongside their significant pay erosion,” he said. “They…

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Significant patient harm and trauma likely across NHS in coming weeks

Dr Tim Cooksley, immediate past president of the Society for Acute Medicine, has warned the next few weeks will see an increasing number of patients suffering significant harm and trauma as “predictable perfect storms” push the NHS into turmoil. He said long queues of ambulances outside hospitals and prolonged periods of corridor care were “inevitable”…

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‘NHS crisis intensifying but has not reached peak’

Ahead of the latest industrial action by junior doctors, Dr Tim Cooksley, immediate past president of the Society for Acute Medicine, provided an update on the current situation across the NHS to The i Paper. “The sadly anticipated and entirely predictable winter crisis is intensifying but has not yet peaked,” he said. “This will cause…

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