‘Latest performance data shows scale of the short-term challenge’ says SAM president (12 September)

Following the release today (Thursday, 12 September) of Lord Darzi’s independent investigation into the NHS in England and the latest NHS performance data, Dr Nick Murch, president of the Society for Acute Medicine, said: “As the government sets out its long-term agenda in response to the Darzi report today, the latest monthly performance data demonstrates the scale of the short-term challenge.

“The improvement in A&E performance is testament to the hard work of clinical and operation colleagues working tirelessly under significant pressure.

“However, the strain suggests the challenges this winter will again be extreme – with more than 28,000 patients waiting more than 12 hours in emergency departments during the summer months an indication of what is ahead.

“The number of attendances at A&E departments is up significantly too and, as the government sets out its plan for a drive to move from hospitals to community care, the new approach will inevitably divert more patients to urgent and emergency care services which will be unmanageable as things stand currently.

“Public behaviour will also be difficult to reverse so it is highly likely the problems being seen at the front door will continue to exist as they are for some time, particularly without short term mitigations.

“The issues at the heart of the problems in the NHS – the frontline crisis in acute and emergency medicine, hospital flow and social care provision – require significant funding and investment to increase both capacity and resource.

“At this point in time as we approach the latter part of the year, there is a concern the focus on the Darzi report and the government’s long-term ambitions will distract from the immediate reality that there will continue to be excess deaths and an emergency situation in the coming months unless appropriate measures are taken quickly.”


